I hope you are having a great weekend so far!! I had to cut my nails in half last night and I actually cried.. lol.. Two of my nails had been really bothering me for a few weeks now but I could not figure out why.. I assumed all the remover from doing my nails two to four times in one day.. I finally realized yesterday that my nails were bending inwards so they were cutting my finger tips!! They were squeezing them to the point of cutting the tips of my fingers so I was loosing circulation. I had to chop off right to the skin of three fingers as a third one was also turning inward. When I had them all cut off within one hour the skin was a normal color and the tips were a normal size again.. I have no clue how on earth my nails were squeezing my fingers to the point of cutting but I will be more careful from now on...
Here is my new length. I hate it, I am so used to having longer nails I feel so naked without them...lol..
I hope that my nails will grow quickly to the normal size. I haven't had nails this short in over 8 years, basically since my youngest was in diapers..lol...
I just wanted to do a mani to see how it looked with stamping.. It looks different to me but some on facebook didn't even notice.. I have posted two one before and one after to show immediately the difference..
Thank you for dropping by!!
Take Care!!
I think they still look good!!! I am so glad that I could finally get on to your blog to follow you, was having some trouble...seems all good now!!!
They are still pretty long ;) the bunny on the before photo is sooo cute love it.
Thanks Ladies, I loved the bunnies too! I am getting used to the shorter nails.. I will be happier when they get back to a normal length.. The pain in my fingers are totally gone now that my nails aren't folding and pinching the tips.. It feels much better..lol...
wait these are your real nails? if they are they are so long! they look nice!
Thanks!! My nails always used tosplit or break so I started using a gel overlay..The white mani is my length now, the top was prior to my having to file them down. I am still getting used to them, I haven't had them this short in over one year so it is a big change for me..lol..
Thanks for stopping by Ladies!!
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